More than 1 Million views on Youtube

In the first week of February Mike's Youtube channel broke the 1 Million views barrier. This fact and thousands of channel-subscribers show, that what once started as a fun project had become very successful. Besides Mikes international music collaborations, his guitar demos became a secret tip in the music community. For the 50th. anniversary of the Fender Stratocaster Mike was able to do a very special video-episode with two original first production year 1954 Stratocasters in a comparison.


Newest Collaboration Song Release

Together with canadian artist Mark Hewer the collaboration song "Labyrinthine" came to life. With footage filmed in Canada and Germany a music video was only a matter of time. For this video the drummer of the mikeburn and friends band, Jaro Forejt, put on his famous sunglasses:

Can Mike Burn also sing?

One of the more intriguing questions of many Youtube fans was finally answered when Mike released his song "The Only Thing". In this solo production Mike did the vocals and played all instruments. For the video, footage from the spectacular Canary Island of La Palma was used.

Collaboration Video Release

"New Day" is a original song by Mike, for which scottish singer Kate Cassidy provided the wonderful vocals and bass-magician Kai Eckhardt from California the bass. The footage used includes material from live gigs and the Canary Island of La Palma.